Douglas E. Swallow

Organizational Genetics

   Specialists in the human element of

   enterprise performance since 1994.

The Edge

The Edge

Community and Country Development Advisors
Risk Assessment & Mitigation Advisors

Welcome to antiquity's greatest secret.

A secret that has been hidden from the world for over 11,000 years. A secret so powerful that it has been called the most dangerous discovery ever made.

The secret was what our most ancient civilizations built their leadership and human development platforms. Two platforms that enabled our ancestors to unlock the vast untapped potential in the human mind, assemble amazing leadership teams, and build extraordinary performing workgroups.

Thirty years ago, Douglas founded a research, technology development, and consulting company to identify insights and develop technology that increases the performance capability of the human element of enterprises. Its research has focused CEOs, what enables the top 3% of employees to produce results over two times their average performing colleagues, and how to build workgroups largely comprised of them. 

The firm has developed three suites of insights and technology for builders, developers and CEOs. The company markets them seperately.

His work has been endorsed by the US Secretary of the Interior, captains of industry, and used by seven Fortune 500 companies. His research and technology development has led to:

  • One awe-inspiring and astounding discovery in antiquity’s greatest secret.
  • The formula to do what less than 10% of Boards of Directors are able to do, identify and hire a top-performing CEO.
  • The organizational design of the future. The first and only highly competitive market-oriented organizational design called Unlocked.
  • The solution to employee disengagement and its related issues.
  • The next generation in staffing platforms called Naturals. A platform that can enable CEOs to attract and retain enough good people and increase their percentage of top performing managers and employees by over 300%.
  • The solution and technology to achieving and sustain optimal strategic platform alignment in highly competitive and rapidly changing markets and industries.
  • The first successful new urban planning platform in the US in over 100 years.
  • The preeminent suite of production and custom home builder performance insights and technology.

Antiquity’s greatest secret lies with the Maasai People in the heart of Africa

What you may or may not know is that every day, around the world, people just like you, particularly in the workplace, are performing at levels over two times the average and displaying in-depth knowledge in subject matters in which they have had no formal education, experience, or training. In academic circles these people are called anomalies, in others, freaks of nature, and in Douglas’ world they are called “naturals.” 

It is generally accepted there are seven levels at which CEOs, managers, and employees perform. The highest level is reserved for top-performers, aka “naturals,” those that produce results over 1.3 times their average performing colleagues.

Presently, approximately 8% of CEOs, give or take, 6% of managers, and 12% of employees perform at this level. In terms of workforces, the highest percentage any major company has been able to achieve of top performers is just 16%. If an enterprise or business was able to increase this percentage to just 60%, its net income percentage would increase by 30% or more.   

Virtually, every board of directors and CEO knows this and would love to have the answer. Over the past fifty plus years the US armed forces, corporate America, academia, and the consulting community have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on trying to identify what enables top performers to do what they do and build workforces largely comprised of them, and failed. 

As an intern market analyst in his senior year college in 1980, Douglas was tasked by the CEO of the company he worked to take a shot at solving this mystery. After two decades of searching for the answer and failing to do so, Douglas’ work led him to the Governor’s Camp on the banks of the Mara River in Kenya, Africa. There, seemingly quite by accident, he would meet The Great Warrior of the Maasai People, one of the ten oldest civilizations on earth, at over 3,000 years. In the three days of meetings that followed, The Great Warrior shared with him that they have known what enables people to perform at the highest level and build workgroups wholly comprised of them for thousands of years. That they didn’t identify how to do it, but rather that it had been handed down to them by the world’s most ancient civilizations. 

Educated in the West, The Great Warrior, went on to share with Douglas’ that these two platforms were set aside during the transition from the first to the second socioeconomic ages. Between the ages known as Hunter-Gatherer and Agrarian, around the time of the formation of the first cities. That they were set aside for the two nearly all of the world has operated on ever since. Two platforms that prohibit nearly everyone from accessing the astounding untapped performance potential that lies within their minds and virtually every enterprise, employee, and community from performing at their highest possible levels.

Upon returning to the states, Douglas began the arduous process of resequencing these two platforms. Over the two decades that followed, he carefully re-sequenced them into a perpetual enterprise, individual, and community development initiative called Unlocked

To some, the unearthing and re-sequencing of these platforms will be seen simply as information that can improve the performance of CEOs, enterprises, and communities. To others, as the answer to one of the oldest mysteries in history. And for some, it will be seen as one of the most dangerous discoveries ever made.

Why is it so dangerous?

Because it can enable people to see behind a curtain they were not supposed to know existed. To see what has not been seen for over 11,000 years. To see the truth about the architecture of the human species and the extraordinary untapped potential that resides within the human elements within enterprises and communities. A truth that has been buried in the sands of time for thousands of years. A truth that can unlock the vault of the human mind.

The only way it could be shared with the world

Not long after his return, Douglas shared his discovery and the first prototype of the technology that unlocks the human mind with a prominent and highly respected CEO. Immediately upon review of the platform and taking the series of adaptive unconscious, without skipping beat, he said “Destroy it, forget you ever made this discovery. It’s the most dangerous thing I have ever seen.” Obviously taken aback, Douglas headed his counsel and told no one about it for decades.

Over the years that followed Douglas sought to identify what would have to change for it not to be so dangerous and enterprises to consider his initiative. He came up with ten things that would have to happen, ten seemingly impossible things. To everyone’s astonishment, including Douglas’, all ten happened. 

The ten things

  1. The majority of industries and markets would have to become highly competitive and millions of businesses each year would have to merge, sell, or close their doors forever.
  2. CEOs would have to find it difficult to sustain optimal internal and external strategic platform alignment in highly competitive environments.
  3. Most boards of directors would have to be unable to identify and hire a top-performing CEO who could consistently deliver net margins 30% above their industry and size of company average in highly competitive industries and markets.
  4. For only the fourth time in world history one socioeconomic age would have to end, i.e., the industrial age, and another began.
  5. Enterprises’ percentage of top-performing managers and employees would have to become a factor in achieving and sustaining optimal financial and operational results.
  6. The percentage of employee problems would have to increase exponentially.
  7. Companies would have to find it difficult to hire and retain enough good people.
  8. The importance of the human element in enterprise performance would have to increase in importance from the lower 20% of all variables to the top 20%.
  9. The nine pillars of society would have to become unaligned with the needs of the new socioeconomic age: leadership/governmental structure, protective forces, health and well-being, child development, education, religion, science and technology, entertainment, sports, and the arts, news and social media. 
  10. Most couples would have to find it difficult to have an inspiring and emotionally fulfilling marital relationship and raise whole and complete children.

What it can do - more than you can imagine!

For CEOs

It can enable them to achieve net margins and returns on equity 30% above their industry average, accelerate growth, increase valuation, achieve and sustain optimal internal and external strategic platform alignment, and have the best management team in their industry.

For Boards of Directors

It can ensure they have a top performing CEO today and tomorrow, have extraordinary visibility into their enterprise, and display an industry leading level of governance.  

For Chief Human Resource Officers

It can dramatically increase the performance capability of the human elements of their enterprises. It can enable them to hire and retain enough good people to achieve their CEOs objectives, increase the percentage of top-performing managers, employees, and salespeople by over 300%, and cut their level of employee problems by more than half.

For Communities

It can equip their leadership with the most advanced urban planning and community development platform. Increase their adult populations’ performance capability and their communities’ desirability to employers. Improve their education system and the quality of its young adults entering the workforce. And in the process, create safer, more sustainable, and more vibrant communities.

For You

What it can do for you is nothing short of astounding. It can unlock your dreams. It can enable you to know what you were born to do, the innate abilities you were born to do it, and the optimal career path that is aligned with both. Be a top performer in the workplace. Eliminate unwanted feelings, emotions, and behaviors. Discover the 21 principles of optimal human performance and the secret power of women to make dreams come true. Be in an inspiring and emotionally fulfilling marital relationship. And maybe most importantly, raise children and grandchildren with the same abilities. All of which will enable you to become the most magnificent version of who you were born to be and one very valuable asset to CEOs, enterprises, and communities.

Who is Douglas Swallow?

Douglas is a researcher who for the past four decades has specialized in unraveling the mystery of extraordinary human performance in the workplace. 

Just outside of San Francisco, California, to the east, is the small town of Walnut Creek—a commuter town nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. Here, Douglas’ journey began that decades later would lead him to the Governor’s Camp on the banks of the Mara River in Kenya, Africa. Where The Great Hunter of The Maasai Tribe, one of the ten oldest active civilizations on earth at over 3,000-years, would reveal antiquity’s greatest secret and the answers to the questions that mankind has been seeking the answers to for thousands of years.

It all started with his father

Douglas’ father was a successful and celebrated residential architect, and his mother a beloved high school teacher. In the corner of the family room of their home was a small cutout into the garage where his dad had his night office, a drafting board. Every evening, he would bring his work home. He would work on it into the early morning hours. Most nights, he would end up with Douglas asleep at his feet.

Over the years, night after night, Douglas would witness his relentless passion and watch his father go to another place in his mind, seemingly leaving this world behind, a place of endless inspiration. A place where the answers he sought were like apples on a tree just waiting to be plucked from the branches. This experience would ignite a light in Douglas that would lead him on a lifelong quest to unravel the mystery of extraordinary human performance in the workplace.

Overcoming the odds

Despite seemingly insurmountable odds, this quest would lead him to become a celebrated high school athlete, a tennis player, and develop one of the fastest serves in the world. His accomplishments on the court would lead to scholarship offers from major universities and endorsement deals. Along with the opportunity to play for the 4th nationally ranked Longhorns at The University of Texas, tour the world playing tennis tournaments, and get his ass kicked by the best players in the world.

All of which revealed a career as a touring pro was not in the cards, but being a top performing tennis pro might not be. So, after earning two college degrees, he would embark on what he thought would be a long career as a tennis pro. However, as logical as it seemed to just about everyone, fate had a different plan.

The master-planned community development industry

Not long after taking the job as an assistant pro at one of the more prominent local country clubs, one of his students recruited him into the master-planned community development industry as a researcher. There, he would be given three seemingly impossible assignments. Three assignments perfectly aligned with his childhood passion and desire to identify what enables people to perform at the highest levels in the workplace.

Three assignments that would define his career

The first assignment was to assist in developing an enterprise strategy alignment and management system not to be confused with a strategy mapping system. The second was to figure out what enabled a new salesperson to go on the salesfloor with the best of the best, with no college degree, experience, orientation, or training and outsell everyone 3:1. And the third, once he figured that out, was to identify how to build a team wholly comprised of people just like her.

The first task would lead to three groundbreaking strategy alignment and management systems: SweetSpot, The Edge, and Organizational Genetics. The second to the discovery of a previously unidentified DNA-based system in the heart of the human brain, in the insular cortex, that revealed the secret to what enabled that young lady to perform at the level she did. And the third to the discovery of antiquity’s greatest secret. 

A metoric rise up the ranks

His work on these three tasks would lead to his meteoric rise up the sales and marketing ranks and the opportunity to hold some of the highest-profile jobs in the industry. He would go on to receive numerous local, regional, and national awards, be published, and lecture at major universities and conferences. They would also enable him to be the lead expert witness in Nevada’s and Utah’s largest civil lawsuits and plan 11 of Las Vegas’s last 14 major master-planned communities. And be tapped to develop the turnaround strategies for the largest underperforming master-planned community and public company housing divisions in the US and plan one of the first mega emergency new cities for a population of over 475,000 for the country of Japan.

An extrordinary lens

The lens he has developed in Antiquity’s Greatest Secret is almost beyond comprehension. But it is one he hopes you and the rest of the world will have the opportunity to look through someday and debate what is on the other side. For on the other side lies the place his father would go every night so long ago. It is a place where you can go and see the most magnificent version of who you were born to be, find the answers you seek, and see the organizational design of the future.

When you get to meet Douglas, one thing will stand out immediately. The passion his father ignited in him so long ago shines as bright today as it ever did. A passion that is dormant in most, a passion that exists within you and everyone else that is just waiting to be activated – what do say we unlock it?

Not everyone will have the courage to explore what he wants to share. But if you are such a person, he would very much like to give the opportunity to do so.

What Does He Do?

Douglas inspires leaders with his story about the discovery of antiquity’s greatest secret. Then introduces them to the Unlocked initiative and its suite of insights, technology, and methods. An initiative that enables them to increase their performance and that of the people who work for them.

The Initiative - Unlocked

Unlocked is an enterprise performance development initiative. The simple truth is your company is not performing to the level it can and you know it. The core paradigm on which it was built, antiquity’s greatest secret, has revealed why. Now through this breakthrough operating platform and suite of supporting technology you can empower your company to perform at your industry’s highest levels.

The reason why nearly all companies are not performing to the level they can today is because they are employing a strategic platform, organizational structure, and human element strategy that was never designed for or intended to be used in sustained highly competitive environments. Douglas has built one that does and would like to share it with you.

The initiative is comprised of eight phases. It pays for itself in two years or less and is designed to be completed in five under most scenarios. The process allows enterprises to implement each phase safely, seamlessly, and cost-effectively without lowering morale, reducing productivity, or letting people go. The process is managed by a CEO-appointed initiative manager with the assistance of one or more consulting firms and Organizational Genetics.

The eight phases

The eight phases are:

  1. Vet – A select group, appointed by the CEO, vet’s the initiative for free (3-6 weeks)
  2. Audit – The CEO conducts an organizational DNA, workforce, and enterprise performance capability audit and goes through a summary presentation of Unlocked (3-6 weeks)
  3. Transition – Leadership structure to transitions to the leadership trilogy (1 year)
  4. Realign – Strategic platform realignment (1 year)
  5. The Human Element – Management team and salesforce optimization (1 year)
  6. ACSI – Activate the 92% customer satisfaction index initiative (1 year)
  7. Inspire & Engage – Culture upgrade and workforce empowerment (1 year)
  8. The Gift – a series of gifts for the leadership of the communities in which the company operates (4 to 6 weeks)

What He Wants You to Do

Douglas would like to give you and your leadership team a twenty-minute introduction to the discovery of antiquity’s greatest secret and Unlocked. Then give you the opportunity to receive the Unlocked vetting document. Then, put your best team on it and run the numbers. Then, ask yourself one question. Is it in your enterprise’s best interest to continue operating on a strategic platform that was never designed for or intended to be used in the degree of market competitiveness in which it is operating? If your answer is no, he has one more question for you: When would you like to get started upgrading your strategic platform and human elements to the highly competitive market level?

The Tools You'll Need

The initiative comes with ten suites of new technology, methods, and insights. Douglas has incorporated everything you will need into these ten toolboxes:

Here we present the 12 tools that enable CEOs to be one of the best in their industry and the solutions to the top four HR
problems prohibiting them from achieving industry-leading financial results.

This toolbox provides managers with seven toolboxes that will enable them to achieve the objectives for which they were hired or promoted, inspire and engage their staff, and create a culture of high productivity. Something, according to Gallup, 82% are unable to do today.

  • The first is a workforce performance capability indexing system called What’s your workforce GPA? This system enables managers to quantify the performance capability of their workforce and determine the most effective leadership approach based on its results.
  • In between the first and second tools are the results of three leader development studies. The first of which presents a history of leader development as seen through the lens of academia, the US Army, and professional sports.
  • The second tool equips managers with The Seven Levels of Leader Development. An index that empowers a manager to know where they are between just starting out and being one of the best there ever was.
  • The third is a breakthrough paradigm, a way for managers to ensure their staff can perform at their highest level. It is comprised of seven parts: clarity, focus, passion, obsession, and intensity, aimed at a set of handwritten SMART goals.
  • The fourth is the next generation in staffing platforms called The “Naturals” Staffing platform. In the modern era, there have been three generations of staffing platforms. This is one of the first 4th generation platforms. It is a complete staffing platform with all the tools to build a top-performing workforce. One of the most revealing elements of the platform is Sir Ernst Shackleton’s method of recruiting. A method that, right out of the gate, dramatically improves the quality of candidates companies can attract.
  • The fifth tool presents managers with the ability to profile their department’s DNA, i.e., their strategic platform, just in case they ever get asked the question. The one question every great manager has been asked, in one form or another. That question is, if you had to build me the best department in the industry, what would you need, how much would it cost, and how long would it take?
  • The sixth is a collection of three tools that introduce managers to the power of extraordinary clarity. They are playbooks, sandbox rules, and business plans.
  • The seventh tool is a pair of leader development and accountability tools. They are two surveys that are conducted three times a year. The first asks each manager’s direct reports to rate their manager’s level of leadership skills, abilities, and attributes. The second was developed by the leadership of the FBI. It reveals the morale of the staff and what is going on that the leadership can’t see in their reports.

In this toolbox are two of the most powerful sales training courses in business today and one very powerful tool. The first course is called The “Natural” Salesperson. Now, we know that’s a little sacrilegious in sales circles, as for decades it has been held that top-performing salespeople are built, not born, but that’s simply not true. Here, we take a look at selling through their eyes. The second course is called The Perfect Sales Presentation. Here, sales managers are taught how to give their salespeople the ability to make them. The most powerful tool in enabling salespeople to perform at the highest levels remains the post-execution analysis. Here, we equip sales managers with the most advanced version of this extraordinary tool. Accordion Content

Over his career, Douglas has had the opportunity to talk with over 10,000 business owners and CEOs. Given the nature and focus of his work on human performance, most of the CEOs he talked with would inevitably share with him their greatest regret. Ironically, they would all have the same one – not spending enough time with their children.

Upon exploring this regret with many, he found it wasn’t really about time but something far more critical. It was about not taking the time to ensure they would have a the life skills to effectively deal with the challenges they would most assuredly face in life, love, parenting, and work. It was about not equipping them with the knowledge and the tools to know what they were born to do, the innate abilities they were born to do it with, and the optimal career path that was aligned with both. It was about not providing them with the principles of optimal human performance or the knowledge of how to have an inspiring and emotionally fulling marriage. And maybe most importantly it eas not providing them with the knowledge to become the most magnificent version of who they were born to be.

Douglas was once asked by a well-known hotel developer, who had built over a dozen hotels in the US and Asia, what he thought at the time was a very strange question, especially considering who he was and the extraordinary success he had achieved. At the end of their conversation, he asked him, “are you the kind of person that can make dreams come true?”  

Douglas thought it was the strangest question he had ever been asked. However, after he re-sequenced our most ancient civilization’s human development platform in 2014, he realized he might just be such a person, sort of. While he still couldn’t make dreams come true, he could provide people with the tools to discover the path to their dreams and knowledge to make them come true, just as the ancients did. So, while he couldn’t give CEOs back the time they so desperately wanted, he could provide them with the knowledge and tools to equip their children and grandchildren with everything they had hoped. The most important of which is the ability to know and become the most magnificent version of who they were born to be.  

What every top performer knows is what they were born to do, the innate abilities they were born to do it, and optimal career path that is aligned with both. Here, participants are introduced to Antiquity’s Greatest Secret and equipped with the knowledge and the tools to discover what they were born to do, the innate abilities they were born to do with, and the optimal career path that is aligned with both.

In the early 1950s, the human development platform in the US was inadvertently dismantled. The result was a reduction in the amount of time parents spend with their children of more than 30,000 hours. Which, in turn, led to one of the most startling events in US history. The 1st generation of workers with woefully inadequate sets of life skills and emotional competencies. The skills and competencies to live independently and successfully in society, have a life void of unwanted feelings, emotions, and behaviors, and be engaged in the workplace. This toolbox provides the knowledge and tools to make people’s lives whole and complete again.

In this toolbox, we equip participants with three bodies of knowledge. The first are the three unique abilities all women possess. The second is the ancient Wiseman’s formula for ensuring everyone was in an inspiring and emotionally fulfilling marital relationship. The absence of which is the number one cause of employee problems in the workplace today. And the third explores the 21 parenting styles and some secrets “natural” parents and grandparents shared with us in putting this toolbox together, including the five “P’s” to being a great dad.

In our most ancient civilizations, it was the responsibility of the Wiseman to ensure that every child was aware of the principles of optimal human performance. This toolbox presents a collection of 21 principles and habits that enable top performers in the workplace today to become one of the very best at what they were born to do, be, or create.

Every CEO, business unit manager, and mother knows the importance of having a plan. But what we found most employees don’t have is a plan for their life. This toolbox equips participants with the knowledge and the tools to create a plan and map that will lead them to their dreams.

It wasn’t always this way, but today, the success of virtually every business is contingent upon its ability to thrive in highly competitive industries, sectors, segments, niches, markets, and value orientations. How they do this is largely based on their understanding of the degree of market competitiveness in which they operate.

There are five degrees of market competitiveness: non, low, moderate, high, and trauma. Each degree is defined by demand, i.e., market size divided by the number of points of distribution, i.e., supply side.    

Understanding the degree of market competitiveness of the environment is and always has been critical to success. Our most ancient civilizations survived in the harshest, most competitive environments in history for one reason. They realized they weren’t in non, low, or moderately competitive environments but in sustained, highly competitive ones.   

They succeeded in this degree of environmental competitiveness by unlocking the innate ability of the Wiseman and their ability to understand what was going on, where, and what the tribe needed to do to optimize its position. One of the things every Wiseman knew and most people do today is that in highly competitive environments, virtually everything is in a constant state of change. And if you don’t make the right adjustments, your enterprise will underperform or, worse, experience premature establishment death.

This toolbox presents four toolboxes. It starts with an advanced overview of each degree of market competitiveness. Then, it presents three advanced suites of market analytics that go far beyond traditional systems. That equip CEOs with the ability to have absolute clarity on the degree of market competitiveness of their industry and the sectors, segments, niches, and value orientation in which their company competes. The fourth is a new custom home methodology and development toolbox called Let’s Talk. This toolbox enables CEOs and those seeking to build their personal dream home the ability to do so without all the cost overruns and stress associated with building a true custom home.

The first tool is The Edge, a master-planned community, urban planning, and emergency new city planning system. That just happened to be the first new successful urban planning and real estate development system in the U.S. in over 100 years. The first generation of The Edge enabled The Howard Hughes Corporation to turn the largest underperforming master-planned community in the U.S. into the fastest-selling and one of the most financially successful new towns in America. In less than half a day, a CEO’s real estate acquisition team can map an entire urban environment and identify the areas to and not to acquire real estate.

The second is SweetSpot, an advanced market area and consumer profiling system that reveals the optimal locations within target real estate acquisition areas. The term “sweet spot” is synonymous with the phrase “best performing.” The term sweet-spot is most prevalent in business in the financial sector. It is used to define a company’s market or product positions and the best-performing sectors, segments, and niches within an industry. Here, they are used in the same context.

SweetSpot is a suite of market analytics that provides market assessment, enterprise positioning, development strategy formulation, and project management data and tools. It was developed by monitoring over 2,000 residential developments through their lifecycles, developing over 260 market studies, managing the sales and marketing on nearly 200 projects, and developing the positioning strategies for 44 master-planned communities from 300 to over 100,000 acres in six states. It consistently enables builders and developers to produce top-performing residential developments.

The third is The Normalcy Report. It came out of the Great Recession. It allows CEOs and business unit managers to monitor the health of their markets. See if they are heating up or cooling down and whether they should allocate more or fewer resources in the market. 

Think of playing in a poker game in Las Vegas, Nevada. Everything is just as you would expect: four players on either side of you and a dealer. But what if you had a pair of glasses that allowed you to see all the cards in other players’ hands? How much would your odds of winning go up? You still have to play the game, but your odds of winning would go up exponentially. The Edge, SweetSpot, and The Normalcy Report allow you to see the market in a way no one else can. It’s like having those glasses.

Towns, cities, regions, states, and countries are in the same boat as nearly every business and enterprise today. They are operating on a strategic platform that was never designed for or intended to be used in the degree of market competitiveness in which it is being used, i.e., a highly competitive environment.

Just as your enterprise needs to upgrade its strategic platform to the highly competitive market level, so to do the cities where your company does business need to upgrade theirs. The final step in the initiative is gifting the leadership of the communities in which your enterprise operates with the knowledge and tools to upgrade their strategic platforms.  

For your leaders, managers, and workforce to sustain optimal human performance in the workplace, they need to be able to go home at night to a city close by that is operating on a highly competitive, market-oriented strategic platform. A city designed to offer a safe and vibrant place for people to live, work, renew, play, and raise their families. They need Antiquity’s Greatest Secret.

Consulting Services

In addition to Unlocked, Douglas provides a number of advisory and consulting services. Listed below by category are these services. 

The organizational DNA profiler

The secret formula for ensuring your company has a top-performing CEO today and tomorrow

The organizational design of the future

Workforce performance capability indexing

CEO dashboards and enterprise navigational systems

Achieving and sustaining optimal strategic platform alignment

Merger and acquisition risk assessment and integration

The four tier innovation platform

Attracting and retaining talent

The top-performing CEO dashboard and business navigational systems

Enterprise human capital assessments and development 

The next generation in staffing platforms – The Unlocked Workforce

Achieving industry-leading customer satisfaction and promoter indexes

Building sales teams that excel in highly competitive industries and markets 

Corporate real estate acquisition, development, and disposition

The solution to employee disengagement

The solution to underperforming managers

The next generation in staffing platforms

The Sir Earnest Shackleton theory of recruiting

Workforce performance capability indexing

Building top-performing total compensation platforms

“Sandbox Rules, “Playbooks,” and pre-CEO walk climate surveys

The next generation in onboarding programs

C-level and executive coaching

Land acquisition, entitlement, development, marketing, and sales support services

Urban, new city, and master-planned community development strategies

Corporate land valuation and disposition

Expert land development witness services

Increasing master-planned community absorption and valuation 

Masximizing company valuation

Company and project development strategies 

Business plans and equity development

Land acquisition, entitlement, development, and land sales services

Plan library development

Building top-performing sales teams

Taking sales operations in-house

Turning around underperforming projects, divisions, and companies 

Let’s Talk: Custom home building project orientation program

In-house new home sales operations

The Edge new city development program

The Edge existing town and city overlays

The solution to affordable housing

Unlocked for cities, regions, states, and countries

Inspiring and Engaging Talks

If you or your event planner are looking for an inspiring, engaging, and thought-provoking speaker for your next board meeting, retreat, or team meeting, please consider Douglas. All of his talks are customized to your audience. Some of his most popular and entertaining ones include;

After two decades of searching for the answer to how people deliver results over two times the average, display extraordinary knowledge in subjects they have had no education, and build workgroups largely comprised of these people, my search took me to the heart of Africa.

It was a very hot Tuesday in July 1998, at the Governors’ Camp on the banks of the Mara River in Kenya, Africa, when I met The Great Warrior of the Maasai People, one of the ten oldest civilizations on earth at over 3,000 years. Over the next three days, he graciously revealed antiquity’s greatest secret. Our most ancient civilization’s leadership and human development platforms. Two platforms that hold the power to unlock the untapped potential that resides in the human mind, enterprises, and communities.

To some, this presentation will be seen simply as information that can improve lives. To others, as the answer to one of the oldest mysteries in history, a mystery that dates back over 2300 years. And to a few, it will be seen as one of the most dangerous discoveries ever made.

This presentation enables audiences to see behind a curtain they were not supposed to know existed. To see what has not been seen for over 11,000 years. To see the truth about the architecture of the human species and the extraordinary untapped potential that resides within them. The extraordinary potential that resides in the vault of their minds, a potential that they can now access for the first time in millennia.

The unearthing and resequencing of our most ancient civilization’s leadership and human development platforms led to the identification of something mankind has been searching for centuries to find. That something was the code that unlocks the human brain and enables people to become the most magnificent version of who they were born to be. Here participants will be provided the knowledge and tools to discover what they were born to do, be, or create.

At the top of every major company’s list of operational issues are diversity and employee problems. The solution to the issue of diversity and cutting the percentage of employee problems by nearly 50% lies in the secret power of women and a great performing marital or dating relationship. As attendees will learn in this talk, women are born with the innate ability to make dreams come true – they are the dream makers. Nearly 40% of all workplace problems are related to one thing – an underperforming marital or dating relationship.This talk equips audiences with the wisdom of the ages on women and the collective knowledge of 13 of the world’s leading experts on the key to having a great marital or dating relationship.

This knowledge will enable your audience to eliminate the issue of diversity in their companies and significantly improve the quality of their marital or dating relations. And thereby resolve two of the biggest issues in the workplace today.

The mother of all myths is that we only use 10% of our brain’s functional capacity. The myth is the result of a 1906 speech given by Harvard professor Willman James, the father of American psychology. But upon reexamination of his speech, it was discovered he wasn’t talking about the functional capacity of the human brain or its components; he was talking about latent mental abilities.

The assumption was they are one and the same, they’re not. The recent discovery of a previously unidentified DNA-based latent mental ability system, that is inactive in over 85% of the population, revealed its true – most of us have accessed less than 10% of our latent mental abilities. People have no idea how extraordinary they can be if they activated their brain’s natural performance system, which they will learn how to do in this talk.

These are just three of many possibilities. For your next event, please consider exploring his library of inspiring talks. 

What he is all about

Identifying and removing the obstacles to awe inspiring and astounding individual, enterprise, and community performance. 

What's Next

Next is his first book in the personal development series Antiquity’s Greatest Secret, The Unopened Gift: It’s Time to Open Yours. 

Here Douglas shares a short story about the extraordinary journey that led to the discovery of Antiquity’s Greatest Secret. Then equips the reader with the questionnaires and tests that will enable them to unlock their minds. To know what they were born to do, the innate abilities they were born to do it, and optimal career path that is aligned with both.   

What's Next

That’s what’s next for him, but a better question is, with all this new knowledge and opportunity – what’s next for you?

To Contact Douglas

To learn more about how you can take advantage of Douglas work request an appointment by sending him an email at


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Phone:           (801) 707-1780

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